
Survival Basics

Title: The Importance of a Well-Stocked Survival Kit for Outdoor Adventures Introduction:Whether you’re just learning about outdoor survival or you’re an experienced hunter, hiker, or camper, it never hurts to be prepared. This article explores […]

These survival tips can save your life
Survival Skills

Tips That Could Save Your Life

The natural world can be a scary place. And it’s easier than you might think to get lost in the wilderness without any means of immediate escape. If you do happen to find yourself in […]

Survival Tools

Wilderness Survival Knife

When it comes to acquiring the right survival gear, the first item many survivalists think of would have to be a good wilderness survival knife. However, with so many on the market today, picking out […]

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How to Skin a Deer

While it may not be the most exciting job in the world, skinning a deer is important when returning from a hunt or when still actually on the hunt. If you have taken down the […]

basic first aid for hunting

Basic First Aid For Hunting Safety

Hunting can provide opportunities for many types of injuries. Being prepared is your best defense against disabling injuries or even life-threatening accidents. Knowing some basic first aid and using common sense when in the wild […]

Surviving the Wilderness Mentally
Survival Skills

Surviving the Wilderness Mentally

Many people think that surviving the outdoors has to do with survival skills alone, however they couldn’t be further from the truth. To be able to successfully survive the wilderness you also have to have […]

Find the right shotgun for turkey shooting.

How To Choose The Perfect Gun For Turkey Shooting

Now that the spring turkey-hunting season is nearly upon us, you should find the right shotgun. As turkey hunting has become increasingly popular, more and more manufacturers have developed shotguns that have more features. There […]

Wilderness Survival Tips
Survival Skills

Basic Wilderness Survival Tips

With the popularity of camping, hiking, and trailing at an all-time high, there comes a great demand to known even the most basic of survival skills before heading out on your next outdoor trip. Although […]


Turkey Hunting – Luring The Birds Out

One of the most popular ways to hunt turkeys is with a bow and arrow. It is a tradition in North America, apparently, that relies on turkey calling and making the perfect shot. There are […]

survival gear
Survival Skills

Survival Gear You “Must Have”

So, you have planned an exciting, adventurous, and fun filled outdoor trip, right? Now it’s time to pack up some basic survival gear, just in case the worst-case scenario happens. Here are a few of […]

20 Survival Tips

How to Make Stone Tools in a Survival Situation

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