When you find yourself lost in the wilderness, knowing which foods are available for you to consume can be a lifesaver. In the wild, various food sources can be found, including wild berries, fish and other water-based foods, insects and bugs, birds, and larger animals.
It’s crucial to have knowledge about these different food sources, which should be researched and learned about before embarking on any outdoor adventure. Here’s an overview of the various types of food you can rely on for survival.
Wild Berries
Wild berries are among the easiest and most commonly found food items when you’re lost in the woods. Most wild berries found in the wilderness are edible, but it’s essential to research the different types and their appearance to ensure you don’t consume harmful berries.
Wild berries are especially abundant during the summer, but you can still find some varieties that grow in the winter. Knowing your berries is crucial for a reliable food source when you’re lost in the woods.
Fish and Water Foods
Fish and other water-based foods are readily available and safe to consume, particularly in freshwater in North America. While you can eat fish raw, it’s advisable to cook them over a fire or portable grill. Catching fish doesn’t have to be a challenging task; many can be caught barehanded.
One effective method is to wait where fish swim and pin them down to the stream’s bottom. You can also catch shellfish and crayfish, which are safe to eat and provide the nutrients and energy you need for survival.
Insects and Bugs
Among the safest insects and bugs to eat are grasshoppers and wood grubs. While they may not be very appetizing, they are rich in protein and nutrients necessary for your body in a survival situation. These insects can be consumed raw, but it’s better to cook them if possible.
When eating grasshoppers, remove their wings and legs. Grasshoppers are often found in grassy areas, while wood grubs can be located in rotten logs. Be aware that not all insects and bugs are safe to eat, so it’s essential to acquire knowledge about which ones are edible.
Capturing birds without a firearm can be challenging but not impossible. Survivalists often find it easier to capture birds from their nests or collect bird eggs.
Bird eggs are a top survival food item as they are packed with protein to provide energy and nourishment. Always ensure that you cook the eggs before consumption—never eat them raw.
Larger Mammal Animals
Capturing a larger animal without weapons can be daunting, but it can be accomplished through trapping and then killing the animal for consumption.
One effective method is using a rock as a weapon. Thoroughly cooking the animal is essential.
While some larger animals can be consumed raw, it’s advisable to exercise caution and cook all the food you capture.
Surviving in the woods can be a daunting prospect, but knowing the available food sources in your surroundings can alleviate one of your worries. Ensuring your body remains hydrated and nourished is vital for outdoor survival.
Keep these tips in mind and use them if you ever find yourself lost in the wilderness.